Department of academic development is an independent unit of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz (KEUK), providing planning, organizing, monitoring and controlling the quality of the learning process.
The main objective of the Department of academic development is to ensure the organization of the educational process of the University, coordination of training, organizational and methodological work of the teaching staff of the University at the appropriate level, as well as ensuring the quality of teaching and methodical, regulatory-informational and the organizational-advisory support and maintenance of the learning process and educational activity at the University.

The head of the Department of academic development is the director, candidate of economic sciences, professor Daniyarova Marzhan Tasbolatovna.
Contacts: 9-Academicheskaya str., Karaganda, office 302.
Working schedule: Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 17.00. Lunch break: from 13.00 to 14.00. Saturday from 9.00 to 14.00. Telephones: 8 (7212) 441624 add. 108, 8 (7212) 441 600.
E-mail address:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

deputy director s of the department can help you:  
Glazunova Svetlana Borisovna - full-time education (office 310, tel. 441624 add. 293, e. mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

The structure of the Department includes three services:  

1) registration service manager Lopata Anna Nikolayevna, offive 300, tel. 441624 (34) add. 137.
Registration service is the student support office that registers the history of academic achievements of students, beginning from registering for elective courses and finishing by processing and storing the statements. It provides the organization of all kinds of students’ knowledge control and calculation of their academic rating.

The main objectives of the registration division are:
- Managing of registration process for elective courses;
- Organizing of students’ knowledge control;
- Calculating of the students’ academic rankings;
- Creating and keeping records of students' performance;
- Preparing the reports on the performance of students;
- Making the list of underachieving students;
- Organizing the summer term;
- Forming the study groups flows by forms of studying.

2) Department of study process’s planning Head: Sergebaeva Zhanara Aktaevna, office 302. Tel: 8(7212)44-16-34 additional 172
-Control of work study plan’s compilation according to each speciality and agreement of academic load with chairs;
-Preparation of documents for approval of list of members of staff;
-Preparation of time-table of classes, examinations in a period of session and monitoring of lessons;
-Control of realization of academic load by teachers and chairs, analysis of reasons of factual workload from planned workload;
-Formation and organization of state attestation commission’s work;
-Organization and improvement of methodical support in study process (provision of State educational standards of education for each speciality, generalized routine and etc.);
-Distribution of auditory fund and control of efficiency of its usage;
-Correspondence with Ministry of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan and other authorities about study process;
-Organization, registration of certificate of degree’s issuance and other.

3) Department of student documentation
Head: Turalykova Kenzhegul Dosanovna, office 135-133. Tel: 8(7212)44-16-24 Additional 6560
-Organization of preparation and declaration of statistical accounting in the Ministry of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazpotrebsoyuz, statistical department;
-Systematical control and analysis of data about student’s contingent, control of the quantity and movement of student content of full-time and part-time form of the education;
-Reception, processing and registration of student personal files for the whole period of education in the university;
-Answer the questions about organizations’ request (Ministry of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Committee of national security, financial policy and other organization and etc.);
-Processing of applications and statements according to the order about enrolment, sending down of students, transfer to other universities, from other universities, registration of study leaves and etc.

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