On December 6, 2017 a literary-poetic evening «Me and my multilingualism» was held. The event was attended by students of first and second years of Karaganda Economic University. At the poetic evening there were poems and songs, dances in Russian, English, German, Chinese and Arabic languages. The jury members considered and noted the high level of creative teams and the winners were : I place - was awarded to the creative team of the Russian language section; II place - the creative team of the German language section; III place – a creative team of the English language section. Creative teams of Chinese and Arabic were awarded letters of gratitude.
On December 6, 2017, the Department of Foreign and Russian Languages together with the Department of Kazakh Language and Culture of Kazakhstan, held round table discussion on the theme «Mangilik el – mangilik til» with students of the GMU-21k group. Students actively discussed questions about the state language, about polylinguism in Kazakhstan, about the introduction of the Latin alphabet.
November 30, 2017 in the Historical and Cultural Center of the First President the regional contest of projects "Historical Projects and Initiatives of Elbasy" was held, dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The student of the group "GMU-42 to" Karaganda Economic University Kydyrbai Ernar Merekeuly participated with his scientific and innovative project "STOPJEMQOR" and took 3rd place, also our student became the owner of the certificate for 20 000 tenge.
The Chare of Global Economy and International Relations congratulates a student of the IO-42 group, Gornaya Maiya with a victory in the International Research Projects Contest! We are sure that our student - Gornaya Maiya will make a significant contribution to the development of the scientific potential of our state. Congratulations!
December 3, 2017 the meeting of rector Aimagambetov E.B. took place with professors Tupakova N.N., Ulybina L.K., Okorokova O.A. and students of KubSAU. The arrival of Russian scientists and students of KubSAU is the next return visit and was implemented within the framework of the international cooperation of the departments "Finance, Taxation and Insurance (KEU)" and "Finance (KubSAU)". The meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere, during the conversation the Russians noted the high material and technical base, the innovative approaches used in the educational process, the good preparation and interest of students and undergraduates of the KEU. In the period from November 27 to December 2, it was held the events with the participation of professors and students of the KubSAU and the Department of Finance, Taxation and Insurance (KEU) (lectures, practical classes, round tables). It is necessary to note the desire of both sides to continue further cooperation within the academic mobility of teachers, students and undergraduates.