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Guest lectures of PhD, professor Janusz Tečke of the Krakow University of Economics (Poland)

Karaganda Economic University is one of the Kazakhstan institutions of higher education that signed the Great Charter of European Universities. Our university is a member of a number of international organizations, in particular: the International Association of Universities, the European Association of Universities, the EdNet Association of Educational Institutions, the Council of Cooperative Universities of CIS countries and others.
KEU actively cooperates with international organizations and their representative offices in Kazakhstan. In particular, the program of the countries of the European Union Erasmus +, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the British Council's Newton Al-Farabi Partnership Program. Every year the geography of international cooperation of our university is expanding, it concerns the directions of academic mobility, joint scientific research, participation in international programs.
Within the framework of international cooperation, foreign professors lecture for undergraduates and doctoral students. So, from June 5 to 17, the Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation of the University of Cracow, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, reads his lectures at KEU. Janusz Techke. The scientist has great merits in the development of science and education in the context of the Bologna process and the development of international cooperation with our university.
It should be noted that Professor Janusz Techke is not the first time in our university. In 2013 he became an honorary professor at the Karaganda Economic University. A scientist from Krakow is an indispensable participant in various global economic forums of our time. His knowledge is shared with students around the world, he lectured at leading universities in Europe and America. For students, undergraduates and teachers of the Karaganda University of Economics Y. Techke prepared a course of lectures on the discipline "Management in modern societies". His lectures are very popular among listeners, and the benevolence and communication skills of Janusz Techke enable our undergraduates and doctoral students to reveal their abilities and to study the topic more deeply.

London Professor’s online lecture

London Professor’s online lectureOnline lecture for multilingual teachers of KEUK on the theme «Critical Thinking in the classroom (Teaching subjects in English for non-native speakers)» according to E-learning system was organized by Multilingual Education Centre in June, 2017. Online lecture was conducted by Director of International Business Development Program, Senior Lecturer of Strategic and Operation Management, Critical Thinking and MBA at Brunel University (London, Great Britain), PhD Abraham Althonayan in order to develop a multilingual education in the framework of international cooperation with Brunel University. During online lecture teachers actively participated in implementation of practical assignments for the development of critical thinking and shared the experience of applying critical thinking in the teaching disciplines in English.


THE MEETING OF THE SCIENTISTS OF KARAGANDA ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY OF KAZPOTREBSOYUZ AND FOREIGN PROFESSORS FROM HUNGARY AND CZECH REPUBLICIn 27 June, 2017, Karaganda Economic University held the meeting between the Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Strategic and Innovative Development, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor M.R. Sihimbayev, the scientists of the Institute of Economic and Legal Studies, Doctor of Law, Professor Khanov T A., Doctor of Economics, professor Ainabek K.S., Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor Sihimbaeva D.R. and foreign professors, Dr. Laszlo Vasa from the University of Saint Istvan (Gödöllö, Hungary) and Martin Peluha, PhD from the University of Economics (Prague, Czech Republic).
The main vector of the meeting was aimed at the development of scientific and pedagogical cooperation, the exchange of the experience for the development and strengthening of relations between Karaganda Economic University and foreign universities in order to increase the scientific level and improve the teaching skills of scientists and teachers.
The issues of development and strengthening of further relations between higher education institutions were discussed at the meeting with the view of deepening the improvement of teachers' teaching skills, opportunities for further training for employees and joint research activities that meet the needs of both the university science and the prospects for commercialization of the results of international scientific projects for the development of creative initiatives Students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists. Foreign professors shared their scientific plans and interests, expressed a keen interest in further creative cooperation between universities. During the meeting strategic directions for further implementation of agreements on creative cooperation between the universities and joint scientific projects were outlined.

First place among the humanitarian and economic universities!!!

Молодежь. Наука. ИнновацииKaraganda Economic University ranked first place among the humanitarian and economic universities in the National rating of the best universities of Kazakhstan-2017, conducted by the Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA).


The establishment of the center of central asian teaching, training and enterprise on the basis of Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz within the framework of the international project Erasmus + (CACTLE)

The establishment of the center of central asian teaching, training and enterprise on the basis of Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz within the framework of the international project Erasmus + (CACTLE) In 23 June, 2017 there was held a meeting in Karaganda Economic University between the pro-rector for scientific work, strategic and innovative development, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor M. R. Sihimbayev and the coordinator of the Erasmus + project (CACTLE) from the University of Grant Holder (Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria), Dr. Gerhard Geissler.
The project aims to create a "Central Asian Center for Teaching, Learning and Entrepreneurship - CACTLE" for the development and strengthening of the relations between the Central Asian universities and enterprises, as socio-economic entities, with the purpose to enhance the entrepreneurial competencies while improving the teaching skills of the institutions of higher learning lecturers, creating the opportunities of a staff development for the employees of enterprises and institutions of higher learning, the training of students in the field of entrepreneurship and business development.
The relevance of the project lies in the achievement of a high level quality of a higher education, satisfying the needs of the labor market and the tasks of industrial and innovative development of the country, the compliance with the best world practices in the field of education, enriching the qualifications of portfolios of university teachers by means of improving their qualifications.
During the meeting, there were discussed the results of the work, as well as the strategic directions for the further implementation of the Erasmus + (CACTLE) international project in KEUK.

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