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We should know state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan

We should know state symbols of the Republic of KazakhstanOn the 27 ͭͭͪ of April, 2016 at teachers of Russian and Foreign Languages Department Lapina I. V. and Nurkeeva B.A. organized and held the event for the best knowledge of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This event was attended by students of Yu-11k, F-11k, the WE-11.


OlympiadApril 16, 2016 the teachers responsible for the professional work on Karkaraly District Zulkharnai A.N Nurkeeva B.A, Zhar.Zh.Zh Heat Olympiad held among students of class 11 Karkarala school district in six subjects (English, biology, world history, geography, physics, chemistry)
In this competition participated 44 schoolchildren from 8 schools Karkarala area.


ROUND TABLEApril 20, 2016 at 14:00 within realization of the State program of a development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2020 and celebration of the 50 anniversary of the Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz the round table on a subject has taken place: "Problems and prospects of development of the praktiko-focused training of students and undergraduates of the specialties "Law" and "Customs affairs" in the conditions of legal reform in the Republic of Kazakhstan".


Congratulations!In the period from November 1 to December 20, 2015 students gr. Tour 22 Serouhova A.V. and Sudoplatov S.K. participated in the first-round of the International Student Olympiad on Tourism, held in remote form. As a result of the correspondence round guys won prizes and were invited to the final stage. The final stage was held April 20, 2016 in presence in teaching and laboratory complex of the Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, in the Universiade Village in Kazan. Where are our students participated, and the results of the final round student gr. Tour 22 Serouhova A.V. It took 5 th place and received a diploma. We congratulate our students and wish them success!

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