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Congratulations to the 3rd-place winner of International Competition “Best research paper – 2016”

Congratulations to the 3rd-place winner of International Competition “Best research paper – 2016”May 1 – June 3, 2016 the Scientific Centre "Olimp" (Moscow) organized International Competition "Best research paper – 2016".
90 research papers submitted to competition were from Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
Participator from Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz – Tuchina Yu. (student of IS-22s group) with paper "Application of numerical differentiation in forensic problem - to determine the exact time of the victim's murder". Mentor –Leading Researcher of Scientific Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Bashirov A.V..
Research paper was ranked 3rd-place in Competition.
Research paper was published in journal "Modern research and development", #3 (June 2016), SC "Olimp", Moscow.

The Minister of Justice B.Imashev delivered a report to the public

The Minister of Justice B.Imashev delivered a report to the publicMinister of Justice Berik Imashev delivered a reports to the population on June 10 at 11:00 in the building of "Kazmedia Center" in Astana.
Live broadcast was available online and at the meeting in the Akimat of Karaganda region. Senior researcher, Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Seitkhozhin B.U. visited this meeting.
At reporting meeting were discussed issues of ongoing reforms in the country, related to the work of justice, achievements of key indicators of the strategic plan and the challenges facing the Ministry of Justice.

«The student-centered learning: modern approaches and tools»

«The student-centered learning: modern approaches and tools»June 15, 2016

Educational and methodological seminar

During the period of 07.06.2016 till 10.06.2016, the national office of Erasmus + in Almaty hold an international seminar "the student-centered learning: modern approaches and tools", where 2 staffs of our university had participated - a vice-dean of the business and law faculty and a deputy director of the DPOMC EP - Glazunova S.B.

The seminar addressed the issue of "student-centered learning environment in the European Union: modern trends, approaches and use", "short-term and long-term plan for student-centered learning environment: an EU perspectives" and many others. Especially a breakout groups were interesting and fruitful.
In order to disseminate the experience in June 15, 2016 at Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz was held a similar seminar for university teachers.
The key idea of the seminar was the phrase about a paradigm shift in learning, within the meaning of which students have to take responsibility for learning outcomes, as full members of the academic community.
A cordial response among university teachers have found examples of the best practices that can be applied in our university.

About future professions

About future professionsOn the 25th of May all students of the Karaganda's secondary schools celebrated their "Last call" in the central culture park. And there were teachers under leading deputy dean accounting and finance faculty Musipova L.K. About future professions guided Omarova M.T.,Yermekova K.A., Aubakirova A.M., Kydyrmanova S.K. They interviewed and presented tiny prospects who was interested to be future freshman at this university.

Conference "Anti-corruption culture - one of the foundations to achieving state property management performance and the implementation of social and cultural state functions"

Conference "Anti-corruption culture - one of the foundations to achieving state property management performance and the implementation of social and cultural state functions"May 24, 2016 in the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz was held Regional scientific and practical conference on the topic of "Anti-corruption culture - one of the foundations to achieving state property management performance and the implementation of social and cultural state functions".

Organizers: Department of the Ministry of Public Service Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Karaganda region and the Scientific Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies KEUK.

Sections of the Conference:
1) Methods of combating corruption in the civil service and the judiciary and law enforcement agencies.
2) The role of non-governmental organizations and the media in the implementation of anti-corruption policy.
3) Establishing an anti-corruption culture among young people is a state policy priority

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