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Scientific training of the Karaganda Economic university undergraduates at Novosibirsk National Research State University

Scientific training of the Karaganda Economic university undergraduates at Novosibirsk National Research State University From 5th April to 12th of April 2015 special education undergraduates of the specialties 6M030100 "Jurisprudence", 6M050600 "Economy", 6M050800 "Accounting and Auditing" and 6M050900 "Finance" passed scientific training at the Novosibirsk State National Research University (Russian Federation). Undergraduates listened to the cycle of problem-oriented lectures revealing the modern approaches to business development in the context of sustainable development.
The practical part of the internship was conducted on the basis of commercial banks, construction companies, industrial companies and the Technopark Novosibirsk Akademtown.

On 9-10 of April 2015 was held the X International Conference "Economics and Management of XXI Century"

On 9-10 of April 2015 was held the X International Conference "Economics and Management of XXI Century"In educational institution of Grodno State University named after Yanka Kupala (Republic of belorus), Grodno c. From our university participated a student of the Faculty of Informational Technologies, specialty "Evaluation" - Regina Zaripova. By the results of the conference Zaripova Regina received the Diploma for the best report in the section "World Economy and management of foreign economic activity". According to the results of the international conference scientific articles of undergraduates and students of EP "Evaluation": Berіk N. (O-11NP); Duysembekov A. (O-11NP); Koppaeva A. (O-11NP); Smagulova D. (G-11NP); Alekseev A (gr.O-31) will be published.

Day of Open Doors

Day of Open DoorsOn April 18, 2015 at the University was held the "Day of Open Doors" for students of schools and colleges of the Karaganda c. Pupils learned the basic economic, legal and technical specialties of the university. Each department presented its educational programs in non-standard format, with the assistance of professors and docents of departments, who told about the demand for jobs in today's labor market. Particular attention was paid to employment and further career development in their chosen profession.

International Student Online Conference

International Student Online ConferenceOn 2nd of April 2015 the department "Economics and Management" of KEUK together with Bashkir State Agrarian University conducted the international student online conference.
Moderator of the conference was appointed from KEUK – c.e.sc., docent Omarkhanova J.M., from Bashkir SAU moderator of the conference was d.e.sc., professor of the organization and management department Kuznetsova A.R.
Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management professor Gimranova G.I. gave a welcome speech. Professor Gimranova G.I. wished all participants fruitful work.

"550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate"

"550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate"April 2, 2015 in Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz round table was held to commemorate the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate with students 1-2 years of university.
For active participation in this event Letters of thanks were awarded to the following students:
1. Aytbekova Moldіr - t. CP-21K
2. Eltyndy Sayat - t. Yu-11K
3. Gerashchenko Veronica - t. Tour-14c
4. Litvin Catherine - t. Eco-12
The organizers - the teachers of the department of history and CP SPD Faculty of Business and Law.

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