On 27 May 2015 by the department LRER was held a round table - "20 Years of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan: issues of efficiency and promising reform". The roundtable was attended by representatives of the judiciary (MEA Karaganda region court), Karaganda region prosecutors, lawyers and the universities of the Karaganda city
On May 27, 2015 at Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz was held a round table on the theme: "5 institutional reforms of the Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev - a strong response to the global challenges of our statehood". The roundtable was attended by PPS, leading scientists and students of the university. Following reports were presented: "The president's reform progress to the economy and society of Kazakhstan: Plan of the nation - 100 concrete steps to implement the five institutional reforms" - (Ainabekov K.S., d.e.sc., professor, Director of the Research Institute of NESA). "The rule of law - as a condition of creating of the state of the new formation" - (Khanov T.A., d.l., professor, Director of the Research Institute of ELR). "Unshakable values of the idea of "Mangіlіk el" - the path to an unified nation of the future" - (K.J. Abilov d.h.sc., professor, Vice-Rector for Social Affairs). According to the results of the round table were determined priorities of collective participation of the university in the implementation of the designated by head of state institutional reforms.
President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev identified 100 concrete steps to implement five presidential reforms. The plan includes five institutional reforms: - formation of a professional state apparatus; - the rule of law; - industrialization and economic growth; - identity and unity; - formation of accountable government.
First. Formation of a modern, professional and independent state apparatus, ensuring quality implementation of economic programs and the provision of public services.
Second. To provide the rule of law that guarantees the right of ownership, creates the conditions for entrepreneurship, protects the contractual obligations, which will eventually become the basis for economic growth.
Third. Industrialization and economic growth based on diversification.
On May 14, 2015 students of the department "Finance, Taxation and Insurance" (group F-22s) participated in the competition of start-up projects «Startup Ideas Pitches 2015" under the direction of the supervisors of the department: c.e.sc., senior teacher Lukpanova Zh.O. and undergraduate, teacher Fazletdinova Z.D. and responsible for SRWS in the faculty of accounting and finance undergraduate, senior teacher Tanasheva A.B. The competition was held in LLP «Technopark «Sary-Arka» and according to the results of the contest both teams of KEU took prizes with awarding diplomas II and III degree. In the future, the winners will be invited to the business trainings, and will actively participate in the realization of projects. It should be noted that each participant received a certificate of participation in the contest, and prizes from the sponsors of the project, such as «White Wind», «Altel», «Sary-Arka».