• Blog news

How to solve the problem of self-employed in Kazakhstan?

How to solve the problem of self-employed in Kazakhstan?We congratulate senior lecturer of the department of LRER Boranbaeva Aizhan Esimkulovna with WINNING Kazakhstan legal professional competition "How to solve the problem of self-employed in Kazakhstan?". The contest was organized by Deputy Chairman of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbayeva Dariga Nursultanovna and Kazakhstan informational portal ZAKON.KZ.
It should be noted that the contest has become an incentive to improve the professionalism in the community of lawyers of Kazakhstan.
We wish you further success in scientific and pedagogical activity, health, happiness, family well-being!

We congratulate Bazarbaeva Dina (gr.F-22)!

We congratulate Bazarbaeva Dina (gr.F-22)!For taking 2nd place in the "Analytical work in taxation" (tutor c.e.sc., docent Ulakov N.S.) in the 3 Interregional Olympiad that was conducted on the basis of the North-Caucasus Federal University Olympiad on March 27, 2015.

Implementation of international cooperation agreement between the Bashkir State Agrarian University and KEUK

In the framework of international cooperation between the Bashkir State Agrarian University and KEUK in the period from 16 to 21 March 2015 in order to ensure economic mobility Omarkhanova Jibek Maksutovna c.e.sc., docent of "Economics and Management" department held sessions on the subject "Corporate social responsibility" for undergraduate students.

People’s Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tamara Asar (Video)

Наурыз мейрамыA concert dedicated to the celebration of "Nowruz Meiramy" was held on March 19, 2015 at the Palace of students' culture. People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tamara Asar from the bottom of her heart congratulated us. It was a wonderful and beautiful concert with her participation. We thank her for all the kind words and wishes, as well as songs that became an ornament of a celebratory concert in KEU. You can watch the full concert by clicking on the link.

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