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Intellectual game "OiLan"

Intellectual game "OiLan"

At the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, an intellectual game “OiLan” was held among students of the Karaganda region. The intellectual game "OiLan" was held as part of the implementation of the Concept of the State Youth Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2029.
The goal of the state youth policy is to create conditions for the full-fledged spiritual, cultural, educational, professional and physical development of young people, participation in the decision-making process, successful socialization and the direction of its potential for the further development of the country.
The intellectual game "OiLan" was held in 5 rounds. Each round consisted of questions about the history and culture of Kazakhstan, as well as logic and intelligence. The main task in the game was to educate and respect for the past of the Motherland, for the customs and traditions of the people of Kazakhstan. According to the results of the game, the team of A. Saginov Karaganda Technical University took the honorable first place.

Winners of the competition -"Metrology -a look into the future"

Winners of the competition -"Metrology -a look into the future"On the eve of the World Metrology Day, a video contest was announced, organized by the Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Metrology among students of higher educational institutions on the topic: "Metrology: a look into the future".
The first metrological institution in Kazakhstan was organized in 1923 in Semey, therefore, award ceremony was in this city, at the University named after Alikhan Bokeikhanov, which were undergraduates of our university groups C-22-2 NP and CCI-22-2NP Aikhimbayeva Tatiana Igorevna and Shevchenko Victoria Ivanovna. Congratulations!

Promotion of the new master's educational program "Technological Entrepreneurship"

Promotion of the new master's educational program "Technological Entrepreneurship"

On May 11 and 12, 2023, as part of the implementation of the international project Erasmus + "MIETC", a presentation of the master's program "Technological Entrepreneurship" was held on the basis of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The international interdisciplinary master's program "Technological Entrepreneurship" is unique due to the symbiosis of technical and economic components and sustainable cooperation between the university and the business community.

On May 11, 2023, an offsite business meeting was held with representatives of QazTehna LLP, as a result of which vectors for further cooperation were identified and announced.

On May 12, 2023, with the participation of partners from Kazakhstan (KaU of Kazpotrebsoyuz, D. Serikbaev EKTU), Spain (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, AYeconomics research center S.L., USC), Tajikistan (Technological University of Tajikistan, Tajik State University of Commerce) a presentation master's program for graduates and teachers of the university. The purpose of the event was to widely inform potential applicants about the opportunities and benefits of obtaining education in the field of industrial entrepreneurship.

Results of the Olympiad in higher mathematics among students of economic specialties of universities and colleges of the city of Karaganda

Results of the Olympiad in higher mathematics among students of economic specialties of universities and colleges of the city of Karaganda

On May 11, 2023, the results of the Olympiad in Higher Mathematics among students of economic specialties of universities and colleges of Karaganda, held at the university on April 27, 2023, were summed up.
More than 30 students from Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Karaganda Banking College named after Zh.K. Bukenov, College of Economics, Business and Law of KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz and others took part in this event.
Before the start of the Olympiad, career guidance and questionnaires were conducted for college students. At the Olympiad, students were offered tasks in higher mathematics of the economic direction. The results of the Olympiad are as follows:

Platinum lecture "Modern technologies of practical psychology"

Platinum lecture "Modern technologies of practical psychology"

It has become a tradition for students of the innovative educational program "Psychology and Management in Education" to meet with practicing psychologists. The field of activity of future psychologists is wide enough, and every time future psychologists discover new opportunities for professional activity.
So, on May 3, 2023, a meeting was held with the founder and head of the Otkritie Psychology Center, Vadim N. Mizernitsky, acting in Karaganda.
Psychologist, coach Mizernitsky V.N. in a meaningful and interesting lecture introduced students to the wide possibilities of psychotechnologies in the social sphere, in the business environment and in everyday life.
The students asked a lot of questions and also practiced the given techniques on themselves. The meeting was held in a very interesting, active format. The audience showed a lively interest in the issues of profiling, the ability to pose questions in the work of a psychologist. The cooperation of the Otkritie Center and the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work continues.

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