On April 15-16, as part of career guidance, the Department of Postgraduate Education held an online meeting with graduates of the 2019-2020 academic year with the faculties: 1. finance, logistics and digital technology (FFLiTST) 2. Economics, management and entrepreneurship (FEUiP) 3. Business, Law and Technology (FBPiT) Along with this, the department noted the main issues regarding admission to the magistracy of KEUK.
The mining system has been operating since 2007. It was then that the current Education Law came into force today. The system operator is JSC "Financial Center" MES RK. The organization monitors the graduate recruitment process. If in the year of graduation until September 1, the graduate did not get a job in the specialty, then the financial center will send a notification to the registration address. This year, graduates of all must work out their grants specialties. Duration of mining is three years. If for some. Because the graduate does not want or cannot work out the grant, he must return the money to the state. Received in 2017 or later can work as in government agencies and private companies. If the student received a grant on the rural quota, then he must work in the village. April 16, 2020 KEUK Resource Center held an online meeting with graduate students studying under the grant. Many of them are already working, some still have to look for a job. someone is planning to continue their studies in doctoral studies. Young mothers are exempted from working out. We express confidence that all of them will find their rightful place in the working companies of the country. The employment rate of graduates of the 2019 master's program in the first 3 months after graduation was 95%. This is a clear confirmation of the high level of preparedness of our graduates for professional activities. We wish the graduates of 2020 an excellent completion of the school year and further excellent employment. You are our pride!
On 16.04.2020 at 13: 00h, the scientific seminar for undergraduates and doctoral students of KEU was held on the "Zoom" platform on the topic " Methodology of scientific research. Publication in rating publications". The scientific seminar was conducted by doctor of Economics, Professor, chief research officer of the Research Institute of Economic and legal research Sikhimbayev Muratbay Ryzdikbaevich. The scientific seminar was attended by 42 people from the number of undergraduates, doctoral students and researchers of KEUK. During the seminar, the issues of research methodology, the structure of scientific papers, including dissertations, as well as the practice of writing scientific articles and features of publications in foreign rating scientific journals from the Scopus and Web of science databases were considered. During the discussion, doctoral students were interested in publishing scientific articles in foreign rating scientific journals from the Scopus database.
We continue to work online! And our partners help us in this. On april 15, 2020, the head of the department of "Social work and ANC", associate docent M. K. Abdakimova organized a binary online lecture for students of the SR-18-2 group on the discipline "Social services in social work" with the participation of the head of the social and psychological service of LLP MF "Hippocrates" V.A. Nesterova. The topic of the lecture is "Special social services in the field of health". The topic is relevant, especially in these difficult days for the whole country. For students who attended this lecture, it was very important to hear the opinion of a specialist practitioner who shared his knowledge and experience in providing social and psychological assistance to the population.
April 15, 2020 within the framework of the project of grant financing Of the Committee of science of the MES of Kazakhstan on the theme: "Criminal-legal and criminological problems of countering illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues in the Republic of Kazakhstan" online conference was held on the "Zoom" platform on the topic: "Conceptual problems of drug use in the Republic of Kazakhstan". The videoconference was attended by scientists and experts, as well as representatives of research structures of the city of Karaganda. During the online conference were discussed the problematic issues of combating drug-related crime in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Participants of the videoconference pointed to the need to improve measures to combat drug addiction and drug trafficking. As a result of the online conference, a Collection of scientific papers will be published.