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Annual language Contest among of 1st year students

Annual language Contest among of 1st  year students

On the 15 ͭ ͭͪ of February, 2018 at 13.00 Department of Russian and Foreign languages and Multilingual Education Center held annual language contest among 1st and 2 nd year students.
The winners by the English language (among students of specialty "International Relations"):

1 st place – Aitova Zaria MO-11k
2 nd place- Gadjieva Saida MO-12
3 rd place Maminova Malika MO-12

The winners by the English language (among the students of all specialities)
1 st place Akopyan Elina RD-12
2nd place- Urazshaev Alibi ME -12
3 rd place – Alshimbek Akhat MK 11r

The winners by the Russian language:
1 st place- Talipova Anel RD-11
2 nd place- Sabirova Anel Tour – 11k
3 rd place- Agderbek Aitolkyn TPP-11k

We thank all students for active participation !!!

Master class in pancake preparation

Master class in pancake preparationFebruary 13-14, 2018, students of RD-13s RD-24s, RD-22, RD-32, Tour-32 groups took part in a master class in pancake preparation, organized by associate Professor Alekseenko T.N.
The tradition of celebrating carnival at the Department of «Tourism and restaurant» is not the first year. During the master class Tatyana Nikolaevna retold to students about t traditions of Maslenitsa celebration and introduced the recipes of different kinds of pancakes.
All students baked pancakes with great pleasure. The master class ended with a tea party.

Orientation to business.

Orientation to business.The training seminar "Basic concepts of business planning" was held at the Karaganda Economic University for students in the framework of participation in the projects of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken". The training was conducted by Adil Imanovich Tazabekov, the teacher of the department "Marketing and Logistics", who is also the representative of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region,. Students on real examples got acquainted with the basics of business planning, the conditions for opening a business in Kazakhstan, as well as business support programs implemented by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs and government agencies.

Career choice is the choice of the future.

Career choice is the choice of the future.One of the main directions of the KEU, along with the organization of the educational process, is vocational guidance work among students in schools and colleges. Today, the right choice of profession is fundamental for achieving the set goals; adaptation of the graduate to the complex economic, social processes occurring in society. In many respects, the choice of the future specialty is influenced by university professors who conduct vocational guidance work in fixed educational institutions.
So, the teachers of the department "Marketing and Logistics" practice holding meetings of scientists of the KEU with schoolchildren. Such a meeting of Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Borbasova Z.D. and Master of Economics Lesov D.D. passed in school №5. Schoolchildren have received all the information they are interested in regarding the rules for admission to universities; material and technical equipment; student life; learned about promising specialties, the most in demand on the labor market. The scientists answered many questions posed by the students, including the practical application of the acquired knowledge, the possibility of internships in other cities and countries, etc

Career guidance in schools v. Topar, Abay district

Career guidance in schools v. Topar, Abay districtFebruary 9, 2018 master of the Department "Banking management and financial markets" Isanov Arman Sheikhaliev, associate Professor of "Ecology and assessment" Norway N. M. and senior lecturer PREO Amantay A. A. in multidisciplinary College of Abay, Abay, SCDO them.Kornienko and SOSH im.B. Momyshuly p. Topar, Abay district, conducted a career guidance for school leavers.
During the events, a video about the University was shown, talked about the benefits of studying in KEUK, about the rules of admission to the UNIVERSITY and distributed booklets
In General, the work with graduates was held at a high level. Was given sufficient information about KEUK and CABP. Similar meetings are planned in the future.

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