April 28, 2016 senior teachers, masters of the "World economy and international relations" chair G. M. Baigozhina and E. V. Shukusheva in the framework of the action plan on multilingualism conducted lesson on the subject "Foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan" in Russian and English languages among the students of the 2-3 courses of the specialty "International relations" and "World economy".
From 27 to 29 April 2016. KEUK seminar "Training and skills development in the field of technical regulation, metrology and management systems," which was attended by teachers and students of the Department of Commodity and certification.
April 28 at the Karaganda Economics University of Kazpotrebsoyuz passed ethnofestival «Бірлігіміз жарасқан» dedicated to the 50th anniversary of KEUK in celebration of Kazakhstan People's Unity Day. The festival was attended by representatives of ethno-cultural associations, teachers and university students. The main objectives were etnofestival strengthening social cohesion and interethnic tolerance, promote the preservation of customs and traditions of the peoples living in Kazakhstan, the succession of generations and the development of relations and the implementation of information cultural exchange between the university and ethno-cultural associations of the Karaganda region. As part of the ethnic festival held fair-exhibition of decorative - applied art of famous artists of the city (Н.Романенко, О.Дычко, А.Руденко, А.Ли, Н.Якубаева, З.Маньковская, А.Папаян, Н.Мошонкина, А.Жукова, Д.Шожен, С.Мизернюк). For guests and representatives of the students of the Faculty departments have organized the presentation of the national (Armenian, Chechen-Ingush, Tatar, Uzbek) customs and traditions, food and costumes. Representatives of the departments of the faculty organized for visitors and students a presentation of national (Armenian, Chechen-Ingush, Tatar, Uzbek) usages and traditions, foods and costumes. Etnofestival «Бірлігіміз жарасқан» continued with a festive concert, which was attended not only university students but also representatives of creative
On the 30th of April, 2016 in the frameworks of professional-oriented work there was the competition focused on «The best innovation project in IT-technologies» between students of technical and professional educational Institutions of Karaganda region, conducted by the Information system department. According to the results of competition in «The best innovation project in IT-technologies», medal places were taken in the following way
26 April 2016 responsible teachers for vocational work at the BukharZhyrau district Blyalov B.E., Zulkarnay A.N., held an event dedicated to the upcoming celebration of the great Victory 9 May among pupils of 11 classes Yshtobinski high school. In this event, attended by 35 students from 3 graduating classes.