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Open lesson

Open lesson2016 жылы 13 сәуірде № 206 аудиторияда аға оқытушы Г.М. Байгожина Smart трибунасын пайдаланып «Foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan» пәні бойынша «Kazakhstan and the European Union» тақырыбында МО-24с, МО-32, МО-33 топтарында лекциясын өткізді.

Refresher course "Forensic economic expertise" for employees "MJ RK Center for Forensic"

Refresher course "Forensic economic expertise" for employees "MJ RK Center for Forensic"Department of postgraduate and additional education was organized in the period from 4 to 15 April 2016 on the basis of the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz for the staff of the Centre of forensic MJ RK held a refresher course on "Forensic expert merchandising study of non-food items."
The course is attended 15 court experts Center for Forensic MJ RK from different regions of Kazakhstan: from Akmola, Almaty, Aktobe, East Kazakhstan, Zhambyl Mangistau, West Kazakhstan, Kostanay region, Pavlodar, North Kazakhstan and South Kazakhstan regions.
Course events are held: doctor of law sciences, Professor of the Department "Obscheyuridicheskih and special disciplines" Khanov T.A, doctor of economic sciences, Professor of the Department "Marketing and Logistics" Borbasova Z.N, PhD ., candidate of economic sciences assistant professor of the Department "Ecology and evaluation" Mazhitova S.K, candidate of chemistry sciences, senior lecturer in "Commodity and standardization" Isabaeva G.M


In Almaty Technological University in the period from 14 to 15 April 2016 was held the Republican subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the specialty: 5V091200 - «Restaurant business and hotel business». With our university students took part in the following specialty 5V091200 - «Restaurant business and hotel business: Nautbaeva Umit, Lia Mikadze, A. Anne. In total in the competition was attended by 10 teams from cities: Almaty, Astana, Karaganda, Atyrau, Aktobe, Kokshetau, Shymkent, Taraz, etc.
Olympics consists of three stages: the first turkompyuternoe testing, the second round - laboratory and practical, the third turbine protection abstracts. According to her the results of the best teams received their diplomas, KEUK team under the direction of Art. teacher Aeshovoy NurgulTemirtaevny took 2nd place and received the diploma of II degree. Diploma II degree in the individual competition got Alexandrovich Anna. We congratulate the winners and wish you continued success!

Enhancement of merchandising expertise qualifications

Enhancement of merchandising expertise qualificationsDepartment of commodity and certification in the person of senior lecturer Ph. D. Isabaeva, G. M. in the period 04.04. – G. 15.04.2016 on high standards, conducted training for examination of non-food products for experts "the Center of judicial expertise of Ministry of justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
The experts were thanked for interesting lectures, extensive teaching materials, and for laboratory work.
They have a desire to come back again on the expertise of other groups of goods.

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