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First real meeting in the European-Central Asian EU project “CirculEC” (Circular Value Creation and Circular Economy at Universities)

First real meeting in the European-Central Asian EU project “CirculEC”  (Circular Value Creation and Circular Economy at Universities)The event began on April 22 at FHM in Bielefeld (Germany), continuation in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and Naples (Italy).

Participants: Central Asian delegation from four countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan).

The aim of this international project meeting is, in addition to getting to know the project participants in real life for the first time, above all to pass on the basics of circular value creation in research and teaching as well as from the economic perspective in Europe to the Central Asian partners.

The following objectives will be pursued during the project period from 2023-2026:
- Integration of circular economy concepts into university coursework in Central Asia
- Organizing events and workshops at universities in Central Asia on the circular economy, such as lectures, panel discussions or hackathons, to get students and teachers interested in this topic.

The program in the two days in Germany started with a general presentation of the Fachhochschule des Mittelstandes and its activities in relation to Circular Economy in research and teaching. This program included a workshop to work out the transferability of a course “Circular Economy” in Bielefeld for course programs in Central Asia. On the second day, the participants were given an insight into existing FHM research projects in the field of circular value creation. Here they had the opportunity to talk to a practice partner: Marc-Philip Lamm from the bakery Lamm in Bielefeld was on hand to answer questions on the topic of sustainable and circular value creation in his own company. After an overview of the EU project “Linear 2 circular”, the participants had the opportunity to try out the tested tools and methods for themselves. The second joint day was rounded off with a presentation by Armando Garcia Schmidt from the Bertelsmann Stiftung, who gave the participants an understanding of the political and legal situation in Europe and Germany on the topic of the circular economy.

The event concluded with an idea phase in a design thinking format to integrate what they had heard into their own projects and learn from the wide-ranging input. The participants worked according to the prevailing motto in the field of the circular economy: “If we could build an economy that uses things instead of consuming them, we could build a future.” (Ellen MacArthur, Ellen MacArthur Foundation).

The first anti-corruption coworking center in the country has opened at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

The first anti-corruption coworking center in the country has opened at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

Rector of Karaganda University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Aimagambetov Yerkara Balkaraevich, together with the head of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating Corruption (Anti-Corruption Service) in the Karaganda region Sergey Perov, opened a coworking center, which will become a landmark platform for joint work of the anti-corruption service and all students of Karaganda as part of the implementation of the Concept of Anti-Corruption Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2026 years.

The anti-corruption coworking center (coworking space, collective office) will operate on the territory of the University and is intended for joint events of employees of the Anti-Corruption Prevention Service, students and compliance officers.

The center plans to jointly conduct anti-corruption events, mainly of an educational nature, such as discussions, debates, intellectual games, trainings, and training sessions.

This work will help to form an anti-corruption consciousness, give a direction for future behavior in adulthood, since in fact, education in secondary and higher educational institutions is a large and important stage in the formation of a personality.


Университетте «Әлеуметтік жұмыс» ББ The Republican student subject Olympiad on the Social Work Program was held at the Universityбойынша Республикалық студенттік пәндік олимпиада өтті (2)

Университетте «Әлеуметтік жұмыс» ББ The Republican student subject Olympiad on the Social Work Program was held at the Universityбойынша Республикалық студенттік пәндік олимпиада өтті (2)

On April 25, 2024, the XVI Republican student subject Olympiad on the educational program 6B11404 "Social work" was held on the basis of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The organizer of the student subject Olympiad was the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work.
Teams from 8 universities of Kazakhstan took part in the Olympiad: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, Kyzylorda University. Korkyt ata, Narkhoz University, Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Karaganda University named after E.A.Buketov, Central Kazakhstan Academy.
The purpose of the Olympiad is to identify the talents and abilities of students, develop the professional courage and creativity of future social workers, and search for and implement innovations in the social sphere.
According to the rules of the Olympiad, the teams competed through self-presentation, development and protection of social advertising and research projects, solving cases related to social work.
The jury, chaired by the Commissioner for Children's Rights of the Karaganda region Irina Kiselyova Boleslavovna, evaluated the contestants taking into account their creativity, innovation, use of information technology, erudition, ingenuity, level of knowledge, skills of rapid decision-making.
According to the results of the competition:
The first place was taken by the NARKHOZ team of Narkhoz University,
Second place - the "Heart of Society" team of L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University,
The third place was taken by the BIRLIK team of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoz.
All team leaders were awarded with letters of thanks.

Congratulations to the winners and wish them creative success!


Университетте «Әлеуметтік жұмыс» ББ The Republican student subject Olympiad on the Social Work Program was held at the Universityбойынша Республикалық студенттік пәндік олимпиада өтті (2) Университетте «Әлеуметтік жұмыс» ББ The Republican student subject Olympiad on the Social Work Program was held at the Universityбойынша Республикалық студенттік пәндік олимпиада өтті (2)
Университетте «Әлеуметтік жұмыс» ББ The Republican student subject Olympiad on the Social Work Program was held at the Universityбойынша Республикалық студенттік пәндік олимпиада өтті (2) Университетте «Әлеуметтік жұмыс» ББ The Republican student subject Olympiad on the Social Work Program was held at the Universityбойынша Республикалық студенттік пәндік олимпиада өтті (2)

The results of the competition of innovative projects within the framework of the international gathering of students

The results of the competition of innovative projects  within the framework of the international gathering of students

Within the framework of the IX international student meeting "Modern youth: creating innovations - striving for the future", a Competition of innovative projects was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz (April 12, 2024).

The members of the commission evaluated the presentations of innovative projects according to the following criteria:

  • the novelty of the project idea;
  • clarity of the set goal and task;
  • the quality of marketing research and financial and economic calculations;
  • risk assessment;
  • the level of use of software products.


New horizons in decision-making: training from "Qaztehn"

New horizons in decision-making: training from "Qaztehn"

On 04/25/2024, the Career and Professional Development Center of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz organized a training "Psychology of decision-making", which was conducted by the business coach of the corporate university of QazTehna LLP Bikuzina V.D.

The purpose of the training was to increase the level of skills and competencies of managers in making effective decisions in various life and professional situations. The participants of the training got acquainted with various decision-making techniques and tools, including SWOT analysis, decision matrix, decision tree and other techniques.

During the event, a friendly and open atmosphere was created, where everyone could express their opinions and take part in the collective solution of tasks. Through active interaction and communication, the participants were able to solve real practical situations and find optimal solutions to emerging problems.

The training attracted positive feedback from university representatives, who expressed gratitude for the organization and professionalism of the coach. The event brought significant benefits to participants who expressed a desire to participate in similar events in the future.


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