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Master class on the topic "How to write a scientific article"

Master class on the topic "How to write a scientific article"

On April 8, 2024, within the walls of our university, as part of science week, a master class was held on the topic “How to write a scientific article.” The master class was held under the auspices of the Council of Young Scientists of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsouz.

Teachers, doctoral students, master's students and students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsouz took part in the master class.

The speaker of this event was Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), senior lecturer of the Department of Economic Theory and State Medical University, member of the Council of Young Scientists - Yerik Bukatov.

As part of the master class, those present were familiarized with the latest changes in the list of publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the publication of the main results of scientific activity. The main requirements of publications for authors were considered. The features of the structure of a scientific article are also considered.


Training for students from an experienced marketer

Training for students from an experienced marketer

On April 3, 2024, the head of the BRAIN marketing agency and academy, Anna Mitina, conducted a training on the topic: “The main sales channels that a marketer should develop.” Anna Mitina is a certified marketer, 15 years of practical experience in marketing, 8 years of experience in SMM, blogger, author of sales and marketing training.

At the training, students majoring in Marketing learned about key sales channels that play an important role in the development of a marketer. Mitina A. shared her experience and gave practical advice on the development of each channel.

Today, marketing is a key element in the process of creating and promoting goods and services. Marketing helps identify consumer needs and preferences, develop promotion and advertising strategies, and monitor the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. The market is constantly changing, new products and services appear, and consumers are becoming more and more demanding of the quality and variety of products. Marketing allows companies to adapt to these changes and compete successfully in the market.

The training was aimed at obtaining the necessary knowledge and skills for successful work in the field of marketing and sales. Thanks to the knowledge gained, students will be able to more effectively use various sales channels and develop their professional potential.

After completing the course, Mitina A. gave students the opportunity to take an online course on rapid marketing for free.

Students actively took part in the training, asked questions and received an invitation to undergo practical training.

Training for pure joy!

Training for pure joy!

The field of practical psychology is extremely broad. It is applied in various spheres of human life through a huge number of different methods, technologies and techniques. This requires psychologists to have the skills to use various tools to work with customer requests, a creative approach to solving psychological problems, and creative thinking.

 Practical psychology is based on the approach that any psychotechnology is heterogeneous in its composition. Therefore, it is very important for a future psychologist to get acquainted and master a wide variety of techniques, be able to combine them and integrate them into the process of working with a client. In this regard, students of Psychology and Management in Education are given the opportunity to regularly meet with psychologists who practice a wide variety of techniques: seminars, trainings, master classes and lectures.

 On April 3, 2024, future psychologists participated in a master class on clowning for adults, which was conducted by Pavel Toporkov, a playback theater actor. The absolute advantage of the master class is that through clowning, students have mastered the techniques of psychodrama, body-oriented technology, and dance therapy in a playful way. The master class contributed to the formation of creative self-expression, the ability to go beyond standard working methods, and the development of the ability to express one's self within the professional activity of a psychologist. The students involved in the game received a lot of positive emotions, a boost of energy and physical strength. By all accounts, this master class is a training for pure joy!


IELTS consultations: Successful completion of the course at the University!

IELTS consultations: Successful completion of the course at the University!

At the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz the Multilingual Education Center organized and conducted consultations for passing international examinations in English (according to the IELTS format) from February 1st to March 29th, 2024 (72 hours). The teaching staff, administrative staff and students of the University underwent language training in terms of improving speaking skills in English, academic writing, reading and listening. Upon completion of the course and passing the Mock exam (trial), participants received certificates. 

We sincerely congratulate the course participants and wish them further success in their work and studies!


Preliminary competition of student projects

Preliminary competition of student projects

On April 1, 2024, a preliminary selection competition for student projects was organized and held at the educational center of the library of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz by the staff of the EPI Research Institute and responsible for the «Dostyk Coworking Center». This event is timed to coincide with the annual International Gathering of Students, which will be held on April 12, 2024.

The members of the commission evaluated the presented presentations of student projects according to the following criteria: the novelty of the project idea, the clarity of the goal and task, the quality of marketing research and financial and economic calculations, risk assessment, the level of use of software products, etc. Recommendations and suggestions for improving their quality were given for each project.


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