• Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    International relations


    Faculty of Economics and Management

    Field of study:


    Degree program:Bachelor of Humanitarian Studiesin 5В0020200 «International Relations» specialty
    Degree and term Single degree (one university)(220 ECTS credits / 129 Kazakhstani credits)
    Educational institution Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
    Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA)http://nkaoko.kz/
    Validity The present program is approved by the University for the 4 year period for those, who get an academic degree at the University since 2016
    Level QF-EHEA (The Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area): 1st cycle; EQF (The European Qualifications Framework): Level 6; NQF (The National Qualifications Framework): Level 6
  • A) Purpose
    • development of students’ personal qualities; formation of universal and professional competences in accordance with requirements of the labor market for “International Relations” major;
    • formation of graduates’ competences that allow them to analyze current processes in international relations, geopolitical context, orientate in important international issues, related to the role of the Republic of Kazakhstan in contemporary international system and concerning its national interests.
  • B) Specification
    • 1.Course/subject area
    • Main courses: Modern History of International Relations, Contemporary History of International Relations, Modern and Contemporary History of Foreign Countries, Diplomatic and Consular Services, Diplomatic Documentation, Geopolitics, Contemporary International Relations System, Multilateral Diplomacy , Diplomatic Etiquette and Protocol, Foreign Policy of the RK, Theory of International Relations
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • 5В020200 “International Relations” educational program is aimed at professional training of specialists, able to orientate in contemporary tendencies of the world development and global political processes, understand and realize their perspectives and possible consequences for Kazakhstan, know specifics and main directions of foreign policy of the leading countries, peculiarities of Kazakhstani diplomacy.
    • 3.Major
    • Humanitarian Studies
    • 4.Peculiarities
    • Graduates of the 5В020200 “International Relations” educational program are focused on :
      • international political, economic, scientific-technical, military, humanitarian, ideological affairs and world politics;
      • regulation of global political, economic, military, ecological, cultural-ideological and other processes;
      • diplomacy, international relations and foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
      • contemporary global issues analysis.
  • C) Employment and further education
    • 1.Employment
      • state institutions, local institutions of state administration as an assistance and subsidiary staff of international departments and foreign missions (translators/interpreters, experts, desk officers, secretary, technical administrators of informational and subsidiary bodies);
      • international organizations (as experts, desk officers, assistance and translators/interpreters);
      • Kazakhstani and foreign enterprises, noncommercial and public organizations, carrying out international affairs or dealing with international issues;
      • mass-media editorship (as reporters in the field of international issues and translators).
    • 2.Further education
    • “International Relations” graduates have the possibility to continue their studying for a Master’s degree in accordance with related specialties or any others under the stipulation that they pass all prerequisites for the educational program.
  • D) Educational style
    • 1.Teaching and learning approaches
    • Competence approach, student-oriented teaching, subjects integration and interdisciplinary approach are emphasized.
    • 2.Assessment methods
    • The main criteria of Bachelor’s degree completion is completing a minimum of 129 credits of theoretical studies and 6 credits of professional internship according to the Kazakhstani system or 208 credits of theoretical studies and 20 credits of professional internship according to the ECTS.
  • E) Program competences
    • 1.General competences
    • ability to think systematically, generalize, analyze and perceive information, formulate goals and choose the ways to achieve them, bring out the implication of international political and diplomatic issues
    • ability to think and write logically, reasonably and plainly
    • сapability to analyze socially significant issues and processes
    • ability to use basic principles of natural sciences in professional activity, apply methods of mathematical analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research
    • having politically correct corporate culture of international communication (formal and informal), skills of finding compromises through negotiations
    • capability to make organizational and administrative decisions in different situations and take responsibility for them
    • ability to apply regulatory and legal documents in activity
    • Professional competences
    • ability to orientate in contemporary tendencies of the world development, global political processes, understanding the perspectives and possible consequences for Kazakhstan
    • knowledge and comprehension of the global processes logics and development of the world political system of international relations in its historical, economic and legal framework
    • ability to monitor the dynamics of main characteristics of the international security context and comprehension of its influence on national security of Kazakhstan
    • understanding the structure of global processes in scientific-technological innovations, perspectives of its changes and the place of Kazakhstan in these processes
    • orientating in the world economic, ecological, demographic, migration processes, comprehending the mechanisms of mutual influence of the planetary environment, economy and policy
    • comprehending the legal basis of international cooperation, ability to analyze its impact on the foreign policy of Kazakhstan and other states
    • understanding theoretical and practical basis of human rights issues in international relations and world practice of human rights protection
    • realizing the fundamentals of international conflicts regulation with diplomatic, political-psychological, socio-economic and power methods
    • comprehending the main international relations theories, domestic and foreign theoretical schools
    • fundamental skills in applied analysis of international cases
    • understanding the contents of the principal documents related to the issues of Kazakhstani foreign policy
    • ability to analyze and explain correctly the position of the Republic of Kazakhstan on various international issues
    • comprehending the main directions of the foreign policy of the leading countries, peculiarities of their diplomacy and relations with Kazakhstan
    • orientating in mechanisms of the multilateral and integration diplomacy
    • knowledge of the diplomatic protocol and etiquette, firm skills to apply it on practice.
  • F) Full list of education results within the program
    • fulfilling obligations of the assistance- and middle-level administrants with the knowledge of foreign languages in institutions of the MFA’s system, carrying out organizational and administrative duties in other state institutions, local institutions of state government and administration;
    • business correspondence on organization matters of the international events, preliminary discussions and participation in negotiations (in foreign languages) according to the competences;
    • carrying out translation and interpretation work according to the competences;
    • participation in organization of international negotiations, meetings, conferences, seminars;
    • fulfilling obligations of the assistant and translator/interpreter from foreign language into Kazakh/Russian or from Kazakh/Russian into foreign language.
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