Speciality Code:
Speciality Name:
Restaurant business and hotel business
Faculty of Business and Law
Field of study:
- A) Goal
- The purpose of this bachelor's programme is:
- The provision of quality training of innovation - oriented, competitive training in the field of restaurant business and hotel business, to meet the modern requirements of the labour market as the basis for their professional growth and personal development.
- A graduate in the result of mastering the educational program should be ready for professional activity on the organization of services in hotels and restaurants as a Manager in organizations of restaurant and hotel business, taking into account national and regional characteristics, the needs of employers and demand.
- Successful graduates should demonstrate:
- ability to organize efficient customer service; to participate in solving organizational and strategic objectives; creation of comfortable conditions of stay in hotels and tourist and restaurant complexes;
- effective counseling of consumers on the services provided;
- the possibility of monitoring the quality of services provided;
- control over the placement of consumers;
- managing conflicts and stresses in their professional activities; reviewed claims and the adoption of measures for their prevention; monitoring the work of staff, ensure cleanliness and order in the premises of hotels and tourism, restaurant complexes, with the implementation of the rules and norms of labor protection and the requirements of production sanitation and hygiene;
- the ability to use modern means of communication and office equipment;
- the ability to use information technology in professional activities.
- B) Characteristic
- 1.Discipline/subject
- The main disciplines of the PD database is OK and the basic elective courses of the profile
- The global hospitality industry database, of.
- Organization of sanatorium-resort business
- Fundamentals of entrepreneurship in restaurant business and hotel business
- Restaurant and hotel business
- Organization of sanatorium-resort business
- Service standards and quality management services in the tourism and hospitality industry - PD, of.
- Promotional activities in the tourism and hospitality industry - PD, of.
- Organization of service in the hospitality industry - PD, of.
- Infrastructure of the restaurant business and hotel industry
- Organization of service in the hospitality industry
- Organization and planning of the restaurant business and hotel business
- Culture restaurant and hotel service
- Marketing research of the services sector
- The management of the restaurant business and hotel business
- 2.General information/Specialization
- 3.Direction
- services
- 4.Features
- Preparation of highly qualified professionals with competitive knowledge, skills, and professional skills in the field of restaurant business and hotel business, with the necessary professional and personal competences sufficient for successful business in the hospitality industry.
- C) Employment and future training
- 1.Employment
- The main places of employment
- management body-the Ministry of communication, S. a hotel business organization (ministries, akimats, their structure units of the region p);
- private state-owned company responsible I. hospitality in the restaurant;
- the sphere of services, communication with the organization catering (restaurant, hotel I. Struk other);
- property, property complexes (enterprises, institutions, organizations and other hotel industrial objects;
- staff research Mendeleev organizations concerned with nutrition, I study the development of marketing in organizations V. power;
- educational institution, training specialists for the hospitality industry is also among the STA on;
- Agency advertising, business promotion, namely, restaurant services, hotel external internal Department at V. I. I.
- the restaurant "Sago", "ruby", "Аssorti", "Sadr" , "Urartu", "Ancient Rome"; the hotel knows Tull", "the Seagull", "Friendship Alimovo", "Mary was" restaurant "Rubin" hotel "Olympia", GK. Alimovo" ha "Cosmonaut", the restaurant "Sage"
- 2.Further training
- Master
- D) The style of education
- 1.Approaches to studying and learning
- For the development of professional competences of students based on their personal characteristics in the structure of the educational program provided for different types of activities:
- educational work (lectures, seminars, laboratory, essay, course work, projects, oral presentations, video conferencing, etc.);
- professional practices;
- final examination (comprehensive examination in specialty, defense of the thesis).
- 2.Methods of evaluation
- tests, examinations, oral, written exam
- E) Program competence
- The program meets the requirements of State educational standards of Higher education. Bachelor. for quality assurance of academic programmes at the first level of the cycle.
- This includes General competencies (also known as key skills) expected of graduates of the first cycle1. Cultural competence:
- knowledge of the basic values of world culture and willingness to rely on them in their personal and cultural development (OK - 1);
- knowledge and understanding of laws of development of nature, society and thinking and the ability to operate this knowledge in professional activities (OK - 2);
- the ability to take an active civil position (OK - 3);
- ability to analyze and evaluate historical events and processes (OK-4);
- possession of culture of thinking, ability to perceive, compilation and analysis of information, goal setting and choice of ways to achieve it (OK–5);
- ability to logically true, reasoned and clear to build oral and written speech (OK-6);
- willingness to cooperate with colleagues, work in a team (OK-7);
- ability to find organizational and managerial solutions and willingness to take responsibility for them (OK-8);
- ability to use legal documents in its activities (OK-9);
- desire for personal and professional self-development (OK-10);
- ability to critically evaluate personal strengths and weaknesses (OK-11);
- ability to analyze socially significant problems and processes (OK-13);
- knowledge of one of foreign languages providing effective professional activity (OK-14);
- understanding of the role and importance of information and information technologies in the development of modern society and the knowledge economy (s-16);
- to master the basic methods, ways and means of obtaining, storage, processing of information, skills of work with computer as an information management tool (OK-17);
- ability to work with information in global computer networks and corporate information systems (OK-18);
- the ability to perform business communication: public speaking, negotiations, meetings, business correspondence, electronic communication, etc. (OK-19);
- the ability to consider the consequences of managerial decisions and actions from the perspective of social responsibility (OK-20);
- to master the basic methods of protection of production staff and population from possible consequences of accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters (QA-21);
- ability to adhere to ethical values and a healthy lifestyle (QA-22).
- The following competencies represent the combined and the most relevant competencies for this program:
- Professional competence:
- organizational and managerial activities:
- knowledge of the basic stages of evolution of management thought (PK-1);
- ability to design an organizational structure to carry out the distribution of powers and responsibilities on the basis of their delegation (PC-2);
- a willingness to develop procedures and control methods (PC-3);
- the ability to use the basic theories of motivation, leadership and power to solve management problems (PC-4);
- the ability to effectively organize group work based on the knowledge of group dynamics and principles of team formation (SC5);
- have different ways of conflict resolution (SC6);
- ability to assess conditions and consequences of take organizational and management decisions (PK8);
- ability to analyze the relationship between the functional strategies of companies with the aim of training a balanced managerial decisions (ПК9);
- the ability to participate in developing the marketing strategy of organizations to plan and carry out activities aimed to its implementation (PK10);
- the ability to participate in development of strategy of management of human resources organizations to plan and carry out activities aimed to its implementation (ПК13)
- to own modern technologies of personnel management (ПК14);
- willingness to participate in developing the organization's strategy, using tools of strategic management (ПК15)
- to know the methods of project management and is ready to implement them using modern software (PK20);
- knowledge of modern systems of quality management and competitiveness (ПК23);
- information and analytical activity:
- ability to economic way of thinking (ПК26);
- ability to assess the impact of the macroeconomic environment on the functioning of the institutions and organs of state and municipal management (ПК27);
- the understanding of the underlying motives and mechanisms of decision-making by regulatory agencies (ПК28);
- ability to analyze consumer behavior and demand formation (ПК29);
- knowledge of economic bases of conduct of organizations to have an idea about the different market structures and the ability to analyze the competitive environment of the industry (ПК30);
- to know the methods and software of processing of business information, ability to interact with services and information technology effectively use corporate information systems (ПК34);
- ability to use in practical activities of organizations information obtained through market research and benchmarking (ПК36);
- ability to conduct an audit of human resources and diagnose organizational culture (ПК37);
- ability to assess the effectiveness of different accounting systems and cost allocation; to have skills of calculation and analysis of production costs and the ability to make informed management decisions based on management accounting data (ПК41);
- the ability to analyze the market and specific risks, use the results to managerial decision-making (ПК42);
- business activities:
- ability to find and evaluate new market opportunities and formulate a business idea based ПК48);
- ability to develop business plans for the creation and development of new organizations (activities, products, etc.) (ПК49);
- ability to assess economic and social conditions of entrepreneurial activities (ПК50).
- service activities:
- able to diversify service activities in accordance with the ethno-cultural, historical and religious traditions; ready to identify the needs of the consumer, forming the hotel product and services to the power, clientelistic relations (ПК51);
- able to apply, adapt and develop modern technologies of hotel business and operations of the catering (ПК52);
- ready to effectively apply the regulatory and technical documentation governing the hotel's operation and activities, catering (ПК53);
- is able to use optimal technological processes in the hotel activities and public catering enterprises (ПК54);
- project activities:
- ready to master the theoretical foundations of designing of functional processes of hotels and other accommodation on the basis of application of modern technologies and methods of designing (PC 55);
- able to identify and use various sources of information for the implementation of the project activities and the formation of hotel products and services restaurants (ПК56);
- ready for the organization and implementation of project activities in hotel and other accommodation facilities (PK57);
- research activities:
- able to use modern scientific principles and research methods of market of hotel services (ПК58);
- ready to use applied methods of research in the field of shaping and promoting hotel products and services power corresponding to inquiries of consumers (ПК59);
- able to find, analyse and process scientific information using information and communication technologies (ИК60);
- ready to use innovative technologies in the hotel activities and restaurants (ПК61).
- organizational and service activities:
- the willingness to use modern technologies for generating and providing a hotel product that meets the needs of consumers (ПК62);
- have basic methods of protection of personnel and population from possible consequences of accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters (ПК63);
- capable of developing and providing hotel product based on the latest information and communication technologies (ПК64).
- Special profile of competence
- ability to manage staff of hotel and restaurant enterprises (СК65);
- readily to the organization and implementation of projects in the activities of hotel and restaurant enterprises (СК66);
- readiness for the development and performance of the product sphere of hotel and restaurant business, including in accordance with the requirements of the consumer, on the basis of modern technologies (СК67);
- willingness to use the normative-technical documentation regulating activity of hotel and restaurant enterprises (СК68);
- willingness to use the best technologies in the activities of hospitality enterprises, including in accordance with the requirements of the customer (СК69);
- to own a second foreign language at a level that ensures effective professional activities in the hotel and restaurant business (СК70);
- the willingness to use applied methods of research in the field of formation and promotion of hotel and restaurant enterprises, corresponding to requirements of consumers (СК71);
- skills identify and analyze the costs of hotel and restaurant enterprises (СК72);
- the ability to find, analyze and process scientific and technical information in the field of hospitality with the use of information and communication technologies (СК73);
- willingness to use innovative technologies in the activities of gnostice and restaurant enterprises and new forms of customer service (СК74);
- 2.Specific expertise :
- Special profile of competence
- ability to manage staff of hotel and restaurant enterprises (СК65);
- readily to the organization and implementation of projects in the activities of hotel and restaurant enterprises (СК66);
- readiness for the development and performance of the product sphere of hotel and restaurant business, including in accordance with the requirements of the consumer, on the basis of modern technologies (СК67);
- willingness to use the normative-technical documentation regulating activity of hotel and restaurant enterprises (СК68);
- willingness to use the best technologies in the activities of hospitality enterprises, including in accordance with the requirements of the customer (СК69);
- to own a second foreign language at a level that ensures effective professional activities in the hotel and restaurant business (СК70);
- the willingness to use applied methods of research in the field of formation and promotion of hotel and restaurant enterprises, corresponding to requirements of consumers (СК71);
- skills identify and analyze the costs of hotel and restaurant enterprises (СК72);
- the ability to find, analyze and process scientific and technical information in the field of hospitality with the use of information and communication technologies (СК73);
- willingness to use innovative technologies in the activities of gnostice and restaurant enterprises and new forms of customer service (СК74);
- F) A complete list of learning outcomes for the program
- In the context of student professional practice in the work of the organization, as well as with the client, the graduates can demonstrate the ability to:
- to organize efficient customer service;
- to participate in solving organizational and strategic issues;
- to create comfortable conditions in hotels and tourist and restaurant complexes;
- to advise customers on the issues of services;
- to control the quality of services provided;
- to monitor the location of customers; to manage conflicts and stress in professional activity;
- examine claims and to take measures to prevent them;
- to monitor the work of staff, ensure cleanliness and order in the premises of restaurants, hotels and tourist complexes, the implementation of the rules and norms of labor protection and the requirements of production sanitation and hygiene; to use in modern society, to know:
- processes and phenomena of the environment;
- the necessary concepts in the performance of meaningful activities to solve natural science problems;
- basics of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ethical and legal norms governing the relations of man to man, society and nature; be able to take them into account when solving professional tasks;
- to have environmental, legal, informational and communicative culture, basic skills of communication in a foreign language;
- compliance with the laws of the market economy, social, democratic state structure;
- be prepared to exercise responsibility for work performed, is able to independently and effectively solve problems in the field of professional activity;
- be able to scientifically organize your work, ready to use computer technology in professional activities;
- to be ready for positive interaction and collaboration with colleagues;
- be ready for constant professional growth, the acquisition of new knowledge;
- know the basics of entrepreneurial activity and entrepreneurship in the professional field;
- to have scientific idea about a healthy lifestyle, to own skills of physical perfection;
- know the state language and record-keeping in the state language.
- identify the main principles of functioning of the enterprises of the food and hotel industry;
- definition of people management systems in organizations;
- principles of organization of personnel work, training and supervision of personnel;
- definition of forms and methods of service in restaurants, hotels and tourist complexes;
- definition of technology of reception and accommodation in restaurants, hotels and tourist complexes;
- consideration of the basic requirements for buildings restaurants, hotels and tourist complexes;
- studies of life-support systems and engineering equipment of restaurants, hotels and tourist complexes; the operating rules;
- developing and applying information and telecommunication technologies in professional activity;
- perspective and current planning of the market activity of enterprises of service of the population taking into account changes in the socio-political and socio-economic situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad;
- development and promotion of new types of services in the restaurant business, hotel business;
- organization of accounting and control in order to optimize the management process;
- carrying out marketing research with the aim of increasing the efficiency of the restaurant.
Degree program: Bachelor of services 5B091200 specialty "Restaurant business and hotel business" | |
The degree and duration | Single degree (same University)(___ ECTS – credits/ 146 KAZ. credits) |
University | Karaganda economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz |
Accreditation | Independent Kazakhstan Agency of Quality Assurance (IQA)http://nkaoko.kz/ |
The validity of | This program was approved by the University for a period of 4 years for individuals receiving degrees from the University in 2016 |
Level | CU for EHEA (Qualifications framework for the European higher education area): 1st cycle; EQF (European qualification framework: level 6; NQF (national qualifications framework): level 6 |