Бакалавриат-ОП-Physical culture and sports management

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Physical culture and sports management


    Faculty of Business and Law

    Field of study:

    Training of teachers with subject specialization of General development

    The degree of the program Bachelor`s degree on the educational program 6B01402 " Physical culture and sports management»
    The degree and duration Single degree (one University) (220 ECTS – credits/ 129 credits in Kazakh)
    Educational institution Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
    Accreditation -
    Period of validity -
    Level QF for EHE (Qualification framework for the European higher education): 1st cycle; EQF (European qualification framework): level 6; NQF (national qualification framework): level 6
  • A) The aim
    • The aim of the educational program - the formation of the personality of a specialist with professional competencies for the organization of pedagogical, sports and mass, sports and recreation activities and management of physical culture and sports.
  • B) Characteristic
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • Main disciplines:
    • Basic disciplines: Theory and methodology of physical culture and sports.Fundamentals of lawof physical culture and sports; Social protection of bodies of physical culture and sports; Psychology and pedagogy; Public administration in sports; Organizational structures of management in sports; Brand management in sports; Event-management; Sports facilities; Organization and evaluation of business
    • Profile disciplines: Adaptive physical culture; Therapeutic physical culture and massage; Modern technologies of sports training; Innovations in the organization of the training process in a sports school; Fitness technology; technology of medical nutrition; Theory and methodology of sports and outdoor games; Technology of organization and conduct of mass sports events.
    • 2.General information/ Specialization
    • In the implementation of the educational program "Physical culture and sports management" is used credit-unit system of the educational process, based on the unit principle of presentation of the content of the educational program and the making of curricula, the use of credit units (credits) and relevant educational technologies.
    • The educational program "Physical culture and sports management" contains theoretical training, including the study of cycles of General education, basic and profile disciplines. The volume of the GE cycle is 56 academic credits, the BE cycle includes the study of academic disciplines and undertaking of internship and consists of not less than 112 academic credits, the PD cycle includes academic disciplines and types of internship in the amount of not less than 60 academic credits.
    • 3.Direction
    • Pedagogical science
    • 4.Particularities
    • The educational program forms professional competence on introduction of scientific approaches to management of the sphere of physical culture and sports, readiness for physical self-improvement, the organization of pedagogical, sports and mass, physical culture and improving activity according to the world experience and national priorities as a symbol of national unity, solidarity and new Kazakhstan patriotism.
  • C) Employment and further education
    • 1.Employment
    • The sphere of professional activity of bachelors in the specialty 6B01402 - "Physical culture and sports management" are:
    • Education:
      • secondary education institutions: secondary schools, boarding schools;
      • primary and secondary vocational-technical school;
      • children's and youth sports schools, schools of the highest sports skill, schools of the Olympic reserve;
      • administrative bodies of education.
    • Physical culture and sports:
      • governing bodies of physical culture and sports;
      • public and private commercial organizations in the field of sports: agencies, firms, clubs, teams;
      • sports (mass sports, youth sports, Paralympic sports);
      • physical culture and health rehabilitation, medical and biological, rehabilitation centers;
      • research centers and laboratories that study physical and mental health problems.
    • 2.Further education
    • Master’s degree 7М01400501 «Physical culture and sport»
  • D) The forms of education
    • 1.Learning and teaching approaches
    • Active and practice-oriented forms and methods of training are widely used in the educational process (cases, business games, simulation classes, trainings, ICT, the method of quasi-professional activity), it is also provided to invite practitioners to lectures, seminars, master classes
    • 2.Assessment methods
    • Progress check; midterm assessment (testing, oral exam, written exam, project protection, passing the standard); protection of reports on the passage of educational, teaching and educational, pedagogical, industrial and pre-graduate internship; end-of-course assessment (passing an assembled examination, thesis defense)
  • E) Programme competencies
    • КК1
    • The ability of a person to socio-cultural and physical development based on the principles of multiculturalism, multilingualism and environmental thinking
    • КК2
    • Readiness to use digital technologies for the development of production, business, science, social sphere
    • КК3
    • The ability to apply medical and biological knowledge to assess the impact of physical activity, physical abilities and functional state of the involved; adequately choose the means and methods of motor activity, methods of correction in the process of training and sports training
    • КК4
    • Ability to carry out professional activity on the basis of the developed legal consciousness, legal thinking and legal culture, to solve standard professional tasks within the legal field
    • КК5
    • The ability to effectively manage sports organizations, enterprises and projects, the brand of a sports organization on the basis of knowledge in the field of sports management, to determine the resources necessary to achieve the goals of the organization, to make management decisions in an adequate form and to conduct organizational, managerial, marketing research
    • КК6
    • The ability to take into account the common factors of mental and age and gender development of students in the organization and management of the pedagogical process and in the scientific study of pedagogical problems
    • КК7
    • Readiness to conduct training exercises, organization and refereeing competitions in the studied sports; ability to use various exercises to improve the level of development of motor qualities, innovative methods of sports massage
    • КК8
    • Readiness to implement programs of mass physical culture and sports events and health training for various bodies involved, including technologies of weight management and nutrition, taking into account the requirements for sports facilities, equipment and inventory from the standpoint of safety
    • КК9
    • Ability to understand the essence of economic relations for the functioning of a successful business in the professional field
  • F) A complete list of the results of training in this program
    • РО1
    • Demonstrate personal and professional competitiveness, citizenship, physical and environmental culture, critical thinking, creativity and willingness to collaborate
    • РО2
    • To carry out interpersonal, intercultural and professional communications, using grammatical knowledge and speech patterns in oral and written forms in the state, Russian and foreign languages, to analyze information in accordance with the situation of communication
    • РО3
    • Use different types of ICT: Internet resources, cloud and mobile services for search, storage, processing, protection and distribution of information
    • РО4
    • To demonstrate knowledge of anatomical and physiological structure and function of organs, regularities of physical development and features of their manifestation in different age periods; biological bases, purpose, tasks, main directions of motor recreation with different population groups
    • РО5
    • To possess skills of psychophysical self-improvement on the basis of scientific representation about a healthy way of life, ways of rationing and control of training and competitive loadings in the chosen sport; abilities of an independent substantiation of equipment of competitive, rehabilitation and training exercises and their use during practical occupations with trained bodies
    • РО6
    • Demonstrate knowledge of their rights and obligations, and possess the skills and abilities to use legal acts for the realization of rights and protection of their interests
    • РО7
    • Knows the main provisions of legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, international legal documents in the field of physical education and sports. The role and place of legislation on PhCS in the legal field of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is able to apply them in professional activities
    • РО8
    • Implements the basic provisions of management sciences, organizational foundations of the sphere of physical culture and sports, is able to carry out marketing activities to promote sports services and goods and knows the methodology of marketing research.
    • РО9
    • Demonstrate and use knowledge of the nature of state management, objectives and tasks of the public administration, to introduce integrative information and analysis on issues of development of physical culture and sports for managerial decision-making for its improvement
    • РО10
    • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the theoretical foundations of physical culture and sports, psychological and age-sex characteristics of students, provide psychological support and psychological safety of the educational process based on the diagnosis of psychological characteristics of the student and the team
    • РО11
    • To demonstrate knowledge of pedagogical mechanisms, principles and means of physical education, possession of methods of scientific research and to carry out planning, pedagogical control and analysis of educational process by methods of psychological research
    • РО12
    • Demonstrate knowledge of the origins and evolution of the theory of sports training, methods of training in physical culture, theoretical aspects of the development of various sports and modern sports achievements in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • РО13
    • To be able to formulate the basic ideas, provisions and principles of physical education and sports in the organization and conduct the classes; to possess the technology of teaching different categories of the population to motor actions, the development of motor coordination qualities in the process of gymnastics, athletics and other sports, taking into account sanitary, climatic, regional and national conditions
    • РО14
    • To demonstrate knowledge about the classification, methods, stages of organizing and holding mass sports events, types of events, types of world sports events, the requirements for their implementation and own solutions for the organization of individual and mass sports work in the context of the implementation of the Doctrine of National Unity, National idea "Mangilik El", the Program "Ruhani Zhangyru", Concept of development of physical culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025
    • РО15
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of economic processes, use the knowledge to achieve effective results, the ability to create and develop a business in its professional field, to develop the conditions for its successful operation.
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