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Educational, scientific and production complex “DAMU": expansion of cooperation

Educational, scientific and production complex “DAMU": expansion of cooperation

One of the main tasks for the development of educational programs implemented by the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work is to expand cooperation within the framework of the Educational, Scientific and Production Complex “DAMU".
On September 28, a meeting of the department was held with the invitation of T.V. Lyubchanskaya, head of the laboratory of socio-psychological support of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Additional Education "Saryarka Daryny". During the meeting, the main areas of cooperation were discussed, including, with the support of the Educational Television Center, the creation of documentaries and social videos on topical issues of socio-psychological support for children and families. The meeting resulted in the signing of an Agreement on the UNPC “Damu” and an agreement on the passage of professional practice by students of the OP “Social Work” and “Psychology and Management in Education”.
There was a meeting of T.V. Lyubchanskaya with students of the educational programs of the department, during which a lecture was given on the topic "Current directions of socio-psychological activity in education". The lecture provided information about the concept of the worlds of SPOD, VUCA and BANI, historically replacing one another, which marks changes in the environment and the need for adaptation of those people who found these changes. The lecturer noted the special role of specialists in helping professions in creating psychological, pedagogical and social conditions for successful training, development, socialization of students and the formation of an informed choice of professional educational trajectory.

Training psychologists: new knowledge and practice

Training psychologists: new knowledge and practiceThe Chair of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work on 28.09.2022 organized a meeting with the psychologist of the Center for Restorative Medicine "Kinesis" A.R. Shirokova and 2nd year students of the OP "Psychology and Management in Education" in order to answer the following questions: "What do you need to become a professional in your field? How can I learn more about the professional activity of a practical psychologist, about modern ways of providing psychological assistance?".
Alexandra Ruslanovna presented the program of the seminar "Body-oriented psychotherapy", told about the upcoming courses and trainings in which our students can take part. Communication with a practical psychologist is always interesting and informative, because they really apply psychological theory in working with people.
And this meeting motivates students to get acquainted with psychotechnologies and methods of professional activity. Our cooperation continues. We are waiting for new meetings!

Cooperation of the Department of Finance with the DGІ of Karaganda

Cooperation of the Department of Finance with the DGІ of KaragandaOn September 26, 2022, the Department of Finance, within the framework of career guidance, educational work and employment, invited a leading specialist of the Department of State Revenue in the Karaganda region, Zeken Adilkhan Bagdatovich, who conducted a lecture session in groups F-20-2, F-21-4s, UA-20-2, VT-21-4s, ITA-21-4s on the topic "Peculiarities of the work of the State Revenue Department". In his speech, he touched upon the issues of the modern tax system, the rights and obligations of taxpayers and employment prospects in the state revenue system. The lecture was useful for the relationship between the theory and practice of the functioning of the tax sphere.

Days of the Transport Week of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Days of the Transport Week of the Republic of Kazakhstan

From September 19 to 22, 2022, the Days of the Transport Week of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organized by the Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan, were held in Almaty.
More than 350 delegates from 14 countries took part in the V International Transport and Logistics Business Forum "NEW SILK WAY", organized as a part of the Transport week of Kazakhstan. The meeting discussed new opportunities in the field of transport, issues of international road transport, maritime and railway logistics and personnel training.
The head of the Department of Marketing and Logistics of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz – Candidate of Economics, Docent S.K. Mazhitova took part in the work of this forum.
Within the framework of the transport week, the international exhibition "Transport and Logistics" was held – the largest specialized in cargo transportation, transport and logistics in Kazakhstan and Central Asian countries. The exhibition, organized with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was attended by 150 companies from 12 countries.
In particular, the exhibition presented the combined national stands of companies in the field of transport and transportation of Azerbaijan, Germany, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Uzbekistan, Finland, Estonia, Belarus and Russia. Also, for the first time, a collective exposition of enterprises of the Novosibirsk region, modern equipment for railway, sea and air transport, logistics, terminals and cargo transportation were presented to the public. Foreign specialists were interested in the products of a number of Kazakhstani companies.

Partnership with professional associations

Partnership with professional associations

On September 23, a round table on the topic "Contribution of professional associations to the development of social work" organized by the NGO "National Alliance of Professional Social Workers" was held in Astana on the basis of the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University. The purpose of the round table was the presentation of the Association of Schools of Social Work of Kazakhstan to potential stakeholders and partners for the joint implementation of socially significant projects in the field of social work in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.
The round table was attended by Commissioner for Human Rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan E.A. Azimova, Deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zh.D. Suleimenova, Adviser to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan B.A. Asylova, foreign experts, representatives of universities and NGOs of Kazakhstan.
At the round table, the report "The contribution of professional associations to the development of educational programs of universities and colleges" was made by the head of the Department of PPiSR M.K. Abdakimova. The report highlighted the long-term fruitful work of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz with the National Alliance of Professional Social Workers in improving the educational program "Social Work", improving the qualifications of teachers and joint research activities. The entry of Karaganda Kazpotrebsoyuz University into the Association of Schools of Social Work of Kazakhstan will expand the prospects for further cooperation at the level of professional associations of the Central Asian region and ensure participation in the international agenda on social work to achieve Sustainable Development Goals.

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