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Lecture-training «Emotional intelligence»

Lecture-training «Emotional intelligence»On October 13, 2022, in dormitories No. 1, 3 for students of 1, 2 courses, a lecture-training "Emotional Intelligence" was held by the psychologist of the University Temirkhanova G.U.
The purpose of the lecture-training is the prevention of stress resistance and personal growth.
The following issues were discussed:
- functions of emotional intelligence (EQ), components and methods of its development;
- effective development of communication with students;
- the importance of creating a positive psycho-emotional mood in communication with peers, etc.
Students asked questions about negative emotions, personal growth and student relationships. The training was meaningful and informative. The study of emotional intelligence affects the effectiveness of professional activities and socio-psychological adaptation of students.

New in the laws on children's rights: what a true professional should know

New in the laws on children's rights: what a true professional should know

Every child has the right to protection. Commissioners for children's rights have been appointed in all regions of Kazakhstan. They consider appeals on violations of the rights and legitimate interests of the child, complaints about actions or inaction on the part of local executive bodies and other organizations.
On October 14, 2022, students of the OP "Social Work" and "Psychology and Management in Education" met with the Public Commissioner for the Protection of Children's Rights at the Regional Scientific and Practical Center of Additional Education "Saryarka Daryny" Kiseleva I.B.
The students got acquainted with the Karaganda experience of child protection, amendments and additions to the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which are designed to ensure the protection of the rights of children in difficult life situations, are bullied, and need special educational conditions at a new level.
The meeting was useful and exciting, a specialist of the "helping" profession should not only use the knowledge and resources that have been accumulated over the years, but also be aware of all the changes taking place in his professional field.

The "Lesson with entrepreneurs" has passed at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

The "Lesson with entrepreneurs" has passed at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

On October 11, 2022, the Resource Center jointly with NCE "Atameken" organized a "Lesson with entrepreneurs" for graduate students, which was attended by:
1) Aleskerov Vladimir Vladimirovich – Director of A.V.Group LLP;
2) Bulgunaev Baglan Alexandrovich – Executive Director of "Terricon School" LLP;
3) Saratovkina Angelina Pavlovna Community Manager of "Terricon Valley" LLP.
Young entrepreneurs and students discussed the prospects for the development of entrepreneurship among young people.
The meeting became a platform for discussing the opportunities available to students interested in starting their own business. Entrepreneurs told about promising directions for starting a business, which formats of doing business are most comfortable at the start, what a university can do for the successful development of student startups and entrepreneurial skills. Students also learned about government support measures available at any stage of business development. During the lesson, the "Professions of the Future" were also discussed, as well as unclaimed professions. Entrepreneurs gave detailed information about the current state of the labor market in our region.
Successful entrepreneurs, being practitioners in their field, are interesting for students, so the lesson was very informative and positive.

Improvement of the educational program "State and local government"

Improvement of the educational program "State and local government"

On October 10, 2022, teachers of the Department of Economic Theory and State and Local Government took part in an event held by the Center for the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility together with the Astana Hub in the field of Civil Service on the topic "Education and training of civil servants. Educational program "State and local government" in universities of Kazakhstan".
The welcoming speech was given to the Chairman of the Management Committee of the Astana Hub of Public Service, Baymenov Alikhan, as well as the director of the Center for the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Mukhatayev Aidos.
Presentations were made by an expert in the field of higher education and public administration, Doctor of Economics, associate professor Yessimova Sholpan and an expert in the field of education management Karatabanov Ruslan. The following issues were discussed:
1. Analysis, components of the educational program State and local administration of bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies;
2. Promotion and training of civil servants: problems and prospects
3. Approaches in the world to the educational program on public administration
4. New approaches to the development of Learning outcomes
5. Design of assessment methods
As a result, experience was exchanged and methodological and practical recommendations on the training of civil servants were given.

Master class "Startup contests: why participate and how to win"

Master class "Startup contests: why participate and how to win"On October 7, according to the Calendar of events of the TBI "Dostyk Coworking Center" for the development of entrepreneurial skills among students, the director of the DTBPMC KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz N.M. Tazhbayev held a master class on the topic "Startup contests: why participate and how to win".
According to the speaker, there are several advantages of participating in such contests. Firstly, it is a free promotion. Secondly, the opportunity to get feedback from experts and investors and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the project. And, finally, it is a way to increase the motivation of the team, because winning the competition means that the startup really has great potential.
During the master class, students also learned about what types of business plans exist, how to formalize them correctly, what kind of information should be included in such documents.
Also, N.M. Tazhbayev told how to successfully present and defend his project to investors and creditors.

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