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Professional improvement of students' skills through "Theater"

Professional improvement of students' skills through "Theater"

On October 6, 2022, students of the educational program "Psychology and Management in Education" participated in an event that expanded their professional skills, adding an interesting and unusual item "solving problems with the help of theatrical creativity" to them.
The Chair of General Education Disciplines of Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketov, together with the Chair of Professional Psychological Training and Management of the Chair of Internal Affairs, organized a "Forum-theater" on the topic "Socio-psychological factors of family violence", which was attended by students and teachers of our University and the Medical University of Karaganda, the School of Nursing Education, as well as representatives of the support center for large families "Shanyrak".
The methodology of the forum-theater is a search within the framework of the proposed performance, together with other participants, for ways to solve a problem or get out of a difficult life situation. The Forum-theater method is an interactive method of psychoprophylaxis and psychocorrection of social problems, which is based on the method of theatrical stage action and feedback from the audience.
The purpose of this forum-theater was to discuss specific recommendations of law enforcement officers to identify the psychological nature, the prevention of domestic violence and a complete and high-quality investigation of crimes of this category.



On October 06, 2022, the Resource Center of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, together with the NCE "Atameken", organized a meeting of graduate students with entrepreneurs of the region, which was attended by the director of the LLP "Organizing Committee of the MCC" Abt Nikolay Viktorovich and the executive director of the LLP "Terricon School" Bulgunaev Baglan Alexandrovich
They shared their experience of creating and running a business, and also told how to avoid mistakes at the initial stage of their own business. they explained where to start their entrepreneurial activity, where to get an idea for their business, how to competently assemble their team and build work with clients.
During the meeting, topical issues of entrepreneurship were discussed, such as:
- Current trends in the development of small and medium-sized businesses;
- Investing in 2022: popular tools, positive and negative trends;
- Modern labor market;
- Hard skills, Soft skills;
- Programs for aspiring entrepreneurs;
- Preferential lending to small businesses, etc.
The meeting with the entrepreneur was fascinating!
Students were interested in questions about how to combine business and study, what difficulties they faced in their entrepreneurial activiti

Sustainable development and the future of higher education

Sustainable development and the future of higher education

On September 29-30, 2022, representatives of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz took part in the annual V Eurasian Forum on Quality Assurance in Higher Education "Sustainable Development and the Future of Higher Education" (Astana).
The Forum is dedicated to topical issues of a new vision of higher education as a key factor in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the context of the UNESCO global program "Education for Sustainable Development until 2030" and the "Roadmap" of the Third UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education, which was held on May 18-20, 2022 in Barcelona.
Session topics:
- Values and new approaches to ensuring the quality of higher education (including improving the education system through teacher-teacher training);
- Digitalization to improve learning and management efficiency;
- Expanding access and lifelong learning.
Based on the results of the speeches of eminent speakers from around the world, the participants developed recommendations for improving the activities of universities, which, we hope, will be successfully implemented in our univer

Educational, scientific and production complex “DAMU": expansion of cooperation

Educational, scientific and production complex “DAMU": expansion of cooperation

One of the main tasks for the development of educational programs implemented by the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work is to expand cooperation within the framework of the Educational, Scientific and Production Complex “DAMU".
On September 28, a meeting of the department was held with the invitation of T.V. Lyubchanskaya, head of the laboratory of socio-psychological support of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Additional Education "Saryarka Daryny". During the meeting, the main areas of cooperation were discussed, including, with the support of the Educational Television Center, the creation of documentaries and social videos on topical issues of socio-psychological support for children and families. The meeting resulted in the signing of an Agreement on the UNPC “Damu” and an agreement on the passage of professional practice by students of the OP “Social Work” and “Psychology and Management in Education”.
There was a meeting of T.V. Lyubchanskaya with students of the educational programs of the department, during which a lecture was given on the topic "Current directions of socio-psychological activity in education". The lecture provided information about the concept of the worlds of SPOD, VUCA and BANI, historically replacing one another, which marks changes in the environment and the need for adaptation of those people who found these changes. The lecturer noted the special role of specialists in helping professions in creating psychological, pedagogical and social conditions for successful training, development, socialization of students and the formation of an informed choice of professional educational trajectory.

Training psychologists: new knowledge and practice

Training psychologists: new knowledge and practiceThe Chair of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work on 28.09.2022 organized a meeting with the psychologist of the Center for Restorative Medicine "Kinesis" A.R. Shirokova and 2nd year students of the OP "Psychology and Management in Education" in order to answer the following questions: "What do you need to become a professional in your field? How can I learn more about the professional activity of a practical psychologist, about modern ways of providing psychological assistance?".
Alexandra Ruslanovna presented the program of the seminar "Body-oriented psychotherapy", told about the upcoming courses and trainings in which our students can take part. Communication with a practical psychologist is always interesting and informative, because they really apply psychological theory in working with people.
And this meeting motivates students to get acquainted with psychotechnologies and methods of professional activity. Our cooperation continues. We are waiting for new meetings!

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