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Partnership of Karaganda University of kazpotrebsoyuz with financial institutions of Karaganda

Partnership of Karaganda University of kazpotrebsoyuz with financial institutions of Karaganda

Within the framework of the celebration of the day of the financier, the Department of «Finance» held platinum lectures «Іnsurance market: content, characteristics, market participants, problems and prospects (experience of the EAEU countries, SCO countries)» on the topic «Сredit market of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects of development (using the experience of the USA, England and the SCO countries)» by the director of the branch of BCC JSC Dusenov R. K. and the director of the Department of ASCO JSC Silishcheva S.
During the lecture, the bankers asked students questions and received a number of answers. In between interviews, Pavlovna Antonina, a student of F-19-2, who was distinguished by her activity, was awarded a special prize from the PF of JSC "BCC".

"Management of critical infrastructures in the face of security and sustainable development challenges".

"Management of critical infrastructures in the face of security and sustainable development challenges".

On October 28, 2022, as part of the University’s participation in the Entrepreneurial Boiling Point project, a seminar was held on “Managing critical infrastructures in the face of security and sustainable development challenges”.
The meeting was organized jointly with the "Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University" and "Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz", where all participants of the event had an excellent opportunity to freely exchange information and opinions on the management of critical infrastructures in the context of security and sustainable development challenges, search for the most effective mechanisms crisis management of energy, transport and digital infrastructures in the context of the global crisis.
In his welcoming speech, Vice-Rector for Development and Innovation of KSEU Akhmetova I.G. rightly noted that today critical infrastructures are becoming more important, the competent and efficient management of which is becoming a key challenge, and security problems and rethinking the concept of sustainable development dictate the need to develop crisis management mechanisms for energy, transport, digital infrastructures in order to minimize external and internal risks and threats.
Valuable recommendations on the mechanisms of public-private partnership in the Republic of Kazakhstan were given by V.V. Filin, Ph.D. legal Sciences, Associate Professor of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
The participants of the seminar in their speeches rightly noted the importance of interdisciplinary thinking, since the process of interaction between government bodies and business structures, aimed at establishing an effective public-private partnership in the energy industry, can expand the horizons for developing smart and intelligent solutions.
Undoubtedly, for the students present at the seminar, young scientists of KSPEU, such events are a great chance to demonstrate the scientific potential of young people and the possibility of applying the acquired knowledge in further practical activities.

Round table dedicated to the Day of the Republic on the topic: "New Kazakhstan - new opportunities"

Round table dedicated to the Day of the Republic on the topic: "New Kazakhstan - new opportunities"

On October 21 of this year, the Department of SPD and ANK organized and held a regional round table dedicated to the Republic Day on the topic: "New Kazakhstan - new opportunities", as part of the implementation of the Message of the Head of State K. Tokayev "New Kazakhstan: the path of renewal and modernization".
The moderator of the round table was Dr. PhD, Head of the Department of "Socio-Political Disciplines and APK" Tutinova Nurgul Yeranatovna.
The guest of this event was an expert of the Department of scientific and expert cooperation and methodological support of KSU "Kogamdyk kelisim " Ulmesekov R. Zh.
There were presentations by teachers of the SPDiANK department by Raisov B. J. "Legitimate elections are the guarantor of the country's future" and by senior lecturer Nikambekova A. B. "Historical foundations of the idea of a new Kazakhstan".
The following students ' dockets were also presented:
Abdullayeva M. K. "New Kazakhstan-New horizons "Tour-22-2 Ashkenova S. S. "New Kazakhstan in a new world".
Kabdulhamitov Nurbek "Аdvantages and disadvantages of the message" S-22-1k, Alpysbay Aida "New Kazakhstan – New opportunities" Tur-22-1k, Kuanbek Rysgul "New look of new Kazakhstan" RD-22-1k.
At the end of the round table, the participants were issued certificates for participation.

Training for students: «Emotional stress relief during preparation for the boundary control»

Training for students: «Emotional stress relief during preparation for the boundary control»

So the first 7 weeks of the new academic year have flown by, and students are already preparing for the first intermediate boundary control. In the process of preparation, students memorize a large amount of text material, formulas, graphs, rules. As a rule, the exam situation is the same for all students, however, it is also true that the feelings and anxieties of each student before the exam are different.
In this regard, the teacher of the Department of PPISR Isaev A.A. and the 2nd-year student of the OP "Psychology and Management in education" Adambekova Ainara conducted a training for students of the 1st dormitory: "Removal of emotional stress during the preparation for the boundary control"
The purpose of the training: removal of emotional stress, strengthening the psychological health of students during the preparation for the boundary control.
The largest number of students who took part in the training were students from the western region of the country. We hope that the positive impressions received during the training and the interesting exercises performed will help to successfully pass all the tests of the boundary control. Good luck!

Round table on the topic: Issues of implementation of the Law and Order reform

Round table on the topic: Issues of implementation of the Law and Order reform

On October 20, 2022, the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz held a round table dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the problems of ensuring the rule of law and the quality of the administration of justice in the light of the implementation of the Law and Order reform, with the participation of judges of the Regional Court, the Specialized Interdistrict Economic Court of the Karaganda region, the Specialized Interdistrict Court for Administrative Offenses of the city of Karaganda, the Karaganda region, representatives of the Department of Economic Investigations in the Karaganda region.
The judge of the regional court, Kairat Kunisbekovich Shagatayev, made a report on the topic "Democratization and increasing confidence in the judicial system – a guarantee of reforms."
Gulmira Tulyubaevna Buebayeva, the chairman of the Specialized Interdistrict Economic Court of the Karaganda region, spoke about judicial mediation as the best alternative to dispute resolution.
The Chairman of the Specialized Interdistrict Court for Administrative Offenses of Karaganda, Alexey Nikolaevich An, focused on the issues of improving administrative proceedings.
Meruert Rakhimbekovna Sattybayeva, Head of the Administrative Department of the Department of Economic Investigations in the Karaganda region, devoted her report to financial monitoring in the justice system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The topic of guaranteeing the rights and legitimate interests of participants in criminal proceedings was raised in his speech by the director of the EPI KarUK Research Institute Talgat Akhmatzievich Khanov.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Filin, Associate Professor of the Department of General Legal and Special Disciplines of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, focused on some issues of optimizing the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on administrative offenses.
The participants exchanged views of the discussion platform, made a number of suggestions and recommendations aimed at improving the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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