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Republican Research project competition among school students of Karaganda region

Republican Research project competition among school students of Karaganda region

On 01.11.2022, within the framework of career guidance work, the Head of the PhD Department, Professor of the Department of Management and Innovation Orynbasarova E.D. took part as a member of the commission in the Republican Research competition of projects among school students of the Karaganda region, which was held at the Daryn specialized school for gifted children.
Students of such schools as "Kokpektinskaya secondary School", "Zhambyl Akylbayev Gymnasium School", "Secondary School No. 25", "Secondary school named after him defended their projects. Nurken Abdirova", "Gymnasium School No. 95", "Gymnasium No. 97" , "Specialized boarding school of information Technologies" "Specialized boarding School named after Zhambyl".
A conversation was held with school students on the choice of a higher educational institution and specialty. We also invited them to our university for an open day to introduce them in detail to educational programs.

Cooperation with the Moscow State University named after S.Y. Witte

Cooperation with the Moscow State University named after S.Y. Witte

Prospects for long-term cooperation were discussed at the meeting of: Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and Moscow University named after S.Yu.Witte.
The meeting was held on November 03, 2022 in an online format on the initiative of our long-time partners from Moscow. Vice-Rector for Development of the University. Vitte Ermolaev V.V. and Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Strategic Development Abeuova S.T. outlined specific ways of international cooperation, interaction in terms of academic mobility of students, the introduction of joint educational programs, etc. The meeting was also attended by representatives of the Centers of International Programs and Projects of the two universities, Departments of Academic Development of the Higher Educational Institution.
The prospects for students and teachers of partner universities are great, focused on success and mutually beneficial cooperation.

The project "Silver University" was launched at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

The project "Silver University" was launched at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

On November 1, 2022, the university launched a project within the framework of the concept of Lifelong learning ("Lifelong learning"). The implementation of the Silver University project will create conditions for the creative and professional development of older people

Today, 10 people are studying at the Silver University. They are given the opportunity to attend classes in the Kazakh language, digital and computer literacy for free.

The project provides for improving the quality of life and social activity of older citizens, strengthening physical and mental health.

Classes are conducted by experienced university teachers: senior lecturer of the Department of QI and IT Analytics Tsitsina A.S., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Kazakh Language and Culture of Kazakhstan Zhukeev T.B.

Students who have successfully completed training will be issued certificates of the "Silver University".

Decade of the Department of Marketing and Logistics-2022

Decade of the Department of Marketing and Logistics-2022

The Department of Marketing and Logistics held an annual Decade of the department dedicated to the Day of the Marketer on October 27.
October 22, 2022 – Opening of the Decade. On this day, a business game "Logistician's Route" was held for 1st year students of OP Logistics. The guys together with senior teachers of the department Raiymbekova A.K. and Tomashinova A.E. performed interesting tasks of the game on the territory of the Central Park of Karaganda;
October 26, 2022 – Creative DIY workshop (Do It Yourself) – "Do it yourself". Three teams of two colleges took part in the workshop: the Karaganda Commercial College and the College of Economics, Business and Law of the KARA Kazpotrebsoyuz (responsible – senior lecturer Shakhshina A.K.). On the same day, an eco-tour "Take care of your planet" took place, which was attended by students of the Logistics Department headed by a senior lecturer of the Department of Marketing and logistics Kuanyshbaev A.B.;
October 27, 2022 – the day was held under the name "Day of Science and Education". At 10.00, a meeting of the debate club was held with students of 1-3 courses of OP Marketing and OP Logistics (responsible – senior lecturer Raiymbekova A.K.). Later, first-year students visited the library to participate in a review of new educational and methodological literature (responsible – senior lecturer Krasnoshchekova E.A.). The day ended with the VII International Conference "Forum of Young Researchers" (responsible – senior teacher Kasymova B.T. and teacher Konyrtaeva K.B.);
October 28, 2022 – the representative of the company "OPTIMUS KZ" Pilyuta S. held a master class for students of 1-4 courses of Marketing and Logistics (responsible - senior lecturer Kuanyshbaev A.B.). Then the closing ceremony of the Decade of the department was held, at which all participants of the Decade were awarded.

Employment prospects

Employment prospectsOn November 2, 2022, the Resource Center of the Department of Strategic Development organized a meeting with graduates of 2023 studying under the state educational order.
At the meeting, issues of sending young specialists (graduates) and doctors of philosophy (PhD) to work, the implementation of their personal distribution were discussed.
The KaU of Kazpotrebsoyuz has established a commission for the distribution of young specialists and PhD PhDs studying on the basis of the state educational order order No. 13-P dated January 09, 2023.
Director of the RC Sagitova Zh.E. drew the attention of graduates that the distribution is carried out on the basis of the petition (certificate) of the employer about the upcoming employment and the preservation of the vacancy until the young specialist arrives at the place of work. If there are no vacancies at the time of distribution, young specialists are sent by distribution commissions for registration as a job seeker (Public Employment Center), directly to the employment center at the place of residence, taking into account the time they were registered as unemployed in the period of working off .
She noted that young specialists who completed their studies this year arrive at their place of work no later than September 1 in the direction.
Also, students were given explanations in which cases exemption from working off is possible:
1) persons in the absence of vacancies in the locality at the place of residence, work or service of the spouse;
2) disabled people of groups I and II;
3) persons enrolled for further education in the magistracy, residency, doctoral studies;
4) pregnant women, persons who have, as well as independently raising a child (children) under the age of three years.
When entering or calling for urgent military service, a young specialist is granted a deferment for the duration of the service, without offsetting the time of service in the period of working off (Clause 17 of the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan №390 dated March 30, 2012). In other cases, no delay is provided.
During the meeting, the graduates had the opportunity to get answers to all their questions.

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